Encountered CERN beyond my uncharted area
2 decades ago, the book “Angels and Demons” by Dan Brown induced to science and physics. I am not an academic person but just a curious looker-on mysteries, spiritual spots, archaeo-astronomical ruins et al.
Cosmology may have a unified vision such as Hindu I realize.

CERN, located near Geneva, Switzerland, is the world’s largest institute for particle physics and has achieved a variety of accomplishments. LHC (Large Hadron Collider) In July 2012, the discovery of a new particle with characteristics consistent with the Higgs boson was announced in a collaboration between ATLAS and CMS at the LHC.
Straddling the border of France and Swiss, CERN is a world renowned as particle physics laboratory.
CERN has concentrated “the wisdom all over the world” and produced novel laureates up until today. Also, in IT area, originated the terminology such as www (world wide web)、HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)、HTML(Hyper Text Mark-up Language).

CERN is the largest research institute of elementary particle physics to have been achieved various performance. In 2012, discovery of “Higgs Boson” by LHC (Large Hadron Collider) made the headlines all over the world and since then a decade after in 2022, updated LHC contributed the discovery of 3 new “exotic particles”.
LHC >>>

Unveiled on June 18, 2004, the 2-metre tall statue of “Dancing Shiva” (Hindu’s Deiti) was gifted from the Government of India.
(Located in front of CERN headquarters)
Dancing Shiva (Hindu’s Deiti)